July 25, 2024 01:54 AM


Efforts to regularize air services in remote districts of Karnali

Kathmandu. Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Jeevan Ram Shrestha has discussed with stakeholders including the Minister of Tourism of Karnali Province about starting regular air service in the remote districts of Karnali.

In a discussion held at the Ministry on Wednesday, Minister of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment of Karnali Province Bir Bahadur Shahi, Director General of Nepal Civil Aviation Authority Pradeep Adhikari and representatives of private sector air service providers informed about the efforts being made to regularize air flights in the remote districts of Karnali.

Minister Shrestha said that the Remote Area Air Service Cell will be operated effectively to cover the losses incurred by domestic airlines in flights to remote areas. Although the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority, the regulatory body of the country’s aviation sector, started the fund, it has not yet been operational.

Publish On : December 15, 2022